Project update: Community Based Rehabilitation – Leprosy

Organisation: Rural Christian Leper’s Welfare Association (RCLWA)

Community Based Rehabilitation of the Leprosy Affected Towards Holistic Development Through Participatory Approaches

Below is a synopsis of the Completion Report provided by the RCLWA.

The organisation is thankful for the grants made possible to our organisation and we were able to cover the intended targeted people. The program was implemented among the lepers who are in a state of poverty prone situations and the habitations are in damaged conditions.

We had organized the family members of the leprosy affected persons and had imparted short training in income generation programs so that they will gain access to income and also provide the basic requirements for the leprosy affected persons and also enable them the health and nutrition in a sustainable and regular manner. The supports were of great assistance to the leprosy affected persons and they were able to find a real time development in their lives.

The short training in goat rearing was followed by the distribution of the goats to 10 beneficiaries. Few families were given the support towards the post rehabilitation from the flood affected situations.

The grant had brought considerable changes in the lives mainly the leprosy affected families.

The health screening had enabled them to get to know their health status and through the screening they were motivated to follow the medical prescriptions.


The program implementation was of great use for the families affected by leprosy and the support which had received after the flood situation was of great support to our most neglected and deprived leprosy affected families. The short training in goat rearing, distribution of the goats, health screening were never imagined by them and when these activities were undertaken it had brought considerable improvements in their lives and the beneficiaries have a continuous chances to win their bread. We thank the donor for all the supports extended to our people who were great distress.