Ways to Support CHCT
CHCT doesn’t pay people to market in the street. We never pester anyone with junk mail. We don’t cold call and we NEVER take a salary. Every penny received goes to those who need it most. If that’s how you think charities ought to be, and you would like to help the charity’s work for remote and forgotten people in places where disease and poverty meet, here are a few different ways in which you can support us …
One-click fundraising for FREE!
- On a PC or a laptop, register with https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ and tell them that you want to support Catriona Hargreaves Charitable Trust
- On a mobile or tablet, download the free easy fundraising app from the App store or Google Play
Click on the Easy Fundraising site each time before shopping and simply follow the links to your favourite retailers. They will automatically pass on a percentage of everything you spend without costing you anything more! There are more than 6,000 participating retailers including eBay, Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, TESCO, Sky, Boots, Boden …
There is no easier way than fundraising, for FREE!
Leave a legacy in your will during Free Wills Month
To take part, you need to be aged 55 or over. Contact one of the firms of solicitors taking part, that can be found here: https://freewillsmonth.org.uk and request an appointment. A solicitor will help to draw up a Will that accurately reflects your wishes. By using Free Wills Month, you are under no obligation to leave a gift to CHCT, or any other charity, but should you wish to, this is a free opportunity to have your wishes recorded. Free Wills Month comes round multiple times per year – please visit the website for more information about the next time this opportunity is available.
Sponsor a project
Would you like to champion one of our projects?
- A borehole to give fresh drinking water to a whole community?
- Provide monthly food to a HIV orphan?
- Sponsor a nursing student to complete their studies?
If you would like to directly sponsor a project, we can send you full project details, together with progress reports and photos, so you know how your personal contribution has made a real difference. Get in touch with us via info@chct.org.uk or write to us and let us know what projects you’re interested in: Brandenbury Oast, Collier Street, Kent, TN12 9RH.
Fundraise or make a donation
Whether you’re having a cake sale, completing a sponsored walk, or donating in someone’s name, you can send a donation from your bank to ours. You can also set up a standing order as routinely as you wish:
Catriona Hargreaves Charitable Trust (CHCT)
Account number: 46572406
Sort code: 60-60-08
National Westminster Bank
Box 4, 3 High Street, Maidstone, ME14 1YU
Alternatively, please send a cheque, payable to CHCT, to:
Brandenbury Oast
Collier Street
TN12 9RH
Taxpayers can help us reclaim an extra 25p in every pound from the Treasury if they kindly print, fill in and enclose this declaration form.