A reflection on the financial year ended April 2021

A word from CHCT founder, Cynthia Stanford:

As the 2021 financial year ends, I reflect on another extraordinary year. The global pandemic has added an additional burden to the fragile health and destitution of some of the worlds most needy peoples.

CHCT is a true grass-roots charity, administered entirely by volunteers. Every penny donated goes directly to improve the lives of those experiencing the most extreme of poverty, and overcoming health challenges that are long forgotten in the developed world.

We fund projects not funded by big organisations, where the smallest contributions can make the biggest difference.

Read on to hear how your generosity has transformed lives, with £41,360 given to 14 projects in 2021.  On behalf of the people benefiting from the projects you’ve made happen, and from the team at CHCT, a heartfelt thank you.

Nursing A Legacy

In 2021, our biggest single grant was £16,779.00. This follows CHCT receiving a generous bequest from nurse Isabel Mary Livingstone, who had worked alongside CHCT founders, Professor John and Cynthia Stanford. We’re sure that Isabel would be delighted that her legacy enabled the success of aspirant nurses to follow in her footsteps. These students, due to poverty, would otherwise not have been able to complete their studies.

CHCT trustees wrote to the students and explained Isabel’s legacy and a little about what we do.  We were so impressed with the success of our first cohort of trainee nurses, and the lasting legacy of funding their studies, that we extended our support, via our partners ‘Hands Around the World’, to enable additional students to gain relevant qualifications which would enhance their future employability. 6 students from Zambia each completed a year-long nursing assistant diploma course. One 1 Ugandan, 2 Zambian and 3 Kenyan students completed their nursing degrees, on courses ranging from 2.5 – 4 years duration.

One of our students, Esther, sent us the following:

Esther, nursing student

Esther, nursing student

“Hello, let take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your continued support. I am currently in the third year of Nursing school. I am also in the second clinical placement in the labour ward. Taking care of expectant mothers and their unborn babies throughout the process of successful delivery has been one of my enjoyable moments in the hospital. Being able to integrate theory learnt in midwifery into practice in the ward, conducting successful deliveries. My latest achievements have been taking care of the new-borns and caring for the mothers after delivery so far.  Am hoping by the end of my attachment, I will have gained good experience in midwifery and giving perinatal care. This will help me deliver the best care to mothers even after school. Thanks again for your support, may God bless you.”

Students Margaret and Ireen sent us photos of them in school, and they, and their schools, kept us up to date with their progress. Margaret found studying tough but persevered. Ireen spoke of her eagerness to serve the community and her commitment to do her very best.

All of our students have thanked CHCT and our supporters who have helped them to break the cycle of poverty and create futures with real employment prospects.

C.I.G.R.O. WASH Group Tanzania: Producing sunflower seed oil

Sunflower seed oil press

Sunflower seed oil press

CHCT’s £1,800 grant enabled the purchase and installation of a sunflower seed oil press. This was for 15 leprosy and TB sufferers to provide income to pay for their health insurance, which in turn enables them to access health services for their condition.  CIGRO sent us some impressive reports which showed their quick action to install and make use of the machine.

Bombay Leprosy Project

BLP are trusted friends of CHCT founder and trustee, Cynthia Stanford. Leprosy remains widespread in the tribal clusters of Thane, Raigad and Palghar districts of India, despite it having been claimed to have been eliminated in 2005.  With £5,000 support from CHCT, BLP has continued to raise awareness of leprosy in India, and to enable referrals to appropriate services.

Wamba Community Trust, Kenya

Repairing the water tank

Repairing the water tank

CHCT agreed to fund £1000 to repair the 10-year-old water reservoir/tank which is the only fresh water source for the community of Margwe in Wamba, including the local primary school. The tank was leaking badly and most of the water was being wasted.  It has now been repaired and painted, waterproofed, and provides fresh water to the community. The group sent us a project report with before and after photos of the repair, and copies of the invoices for the costs.

Rural Aid, Uganda

The £800 grant from CHCT purchased and distributed food to 50 orphan children living with HIV, to promote the effectiveness of their treatment.  The group reported back that they more than doubled their target and that 106 children living with HIV, and 49 grandmothers/grandfathers and other care givers were reached.

The families were from 10 villages in Bobbing, Kabala district. Food supplements include beans, porridge, flour, and vitamins.

The group also distributed farming items to help them grow their own food.

Heart of Kenya Orphans

CHCT have supported this charity for several years, with local (Kent) links to supporters of Heart of Kenya.  £1,000.00 was sent to buy food for starving families who were suffering due to a poor harvest, with poverty and illness made worse by Covid.

Starfish Malawi

£2000 from CHCT supported healthcare provision at the Glad Tidings Orphan Centre (GTOC) in Malawi: one of the poorest countries in the world.   The ‘Hope Clinic,’ which has been fully funded by donations, offers free outpatient services for children and adults which means healthcare reaches people living below the poverty line.

Elizabeth Moyo, one of the community beneficiaries

Elizabeth Moyo, one of the community beneficiaries

“My name is Elizabeth Moyo. I was born in Ngolowindo village. I am 87 years old and up to now in 2021 I am still here. Honestly the coming of Hope Clinic has really changed a lot of people’s lives. I remember last year in April before the Clinic was opened I had a stroke in my left leg and I was unable to walk properly despite having to get treatment from Salima Hospital (SDH). I still was struggling to walk, and as SDH is far away I was struggling to get further treatment. Months later God answered my prayers by bringing a clinic nearby where they have been helping me with physiotherapy. Now I can walk again, all thanks to Hope Clinic.”

The clinic has 6 staff members and volunteers who worked exceptionally hard to help over 6,503 people in April and May 2021 alone.  Numbers reduce when the cooler, drier season period starts, when there is less malaria and cholera.

Sahara Advocates of Change

We have previously funded this group who provide good evidence to us of the progress of their projects. On this occasion we provided a grant of £2,001 to support health education, hepatitis B testing and vaccination.

Hepatitis B testing and vaccination

Hepatitis B testing and vaccination

The project tested 167 children in 3 rural communities: Dodoma, Wechaiu Bau and Seygoyiri.

Dodoma is a farming area with only one borehole serving 1500 people, without electricity. They were very receptive to outside assistance, and have been supported to build a school kitchen and to provide handwashing and drinking facilities.  The children who tested positive were referred to Hospital for treatment. Those testing negative were vaccinated twice. Unfortunately, 100 children missed their final vaccination as they were too afraid to come out of their homes due to Covid-19.  Despite this, community education and testing were successful. In Dodoma, the team took the opportunity to educate some of the women and the Chief on Covid-19.

Wechaiu-Bau is also a subsistence farming community, but has electricy.

Seyguyiri is a very far-flung community, about 5 hours from the capital (Damongo) of the Savannah region. Most people are subsistence farmers and their children are not in school. They typically have to trek over 2 to 3 hours to get to the nearest health facility and they have no school, no electricity and one borehole for the community.

Bringing health education, testing and vaccines to these communities would not have happened without CHCT’s grant.

Kiwanyi Health Centre, Uganda

Kiwanyi health centre is the sole clinic for health care services in the Kiwanyi community. The centre had constructed a new maternity ward, however it lacked electrical facilities. There was no light for patients kept overnight, including mothers giving birth at night, and no power to run some of the equipment. The clinic admits 15-30 pregnant mothers and infants with infections per week.

With £2000 the project installed 20 lights powered by 6 solar panel arrays to power the vaccine fridge, microscope, suction machine, and sterilization equipment.

The gift that keeps on giving … MUSTARD SEED, via THE BIG GIVE

Mustard Seed Project Kenya (MSP) is a small UK registered charity (1127935) working in a deprived urban area of Mombasa. It is building a school and providing a feeding programme, preventative health care and quality education to 275 poor children aged 3 – 14 years in classes of 25.

MSP sought to urgently raise £20,000 to complete the building to save £5,000 per year in rent and utilities. CHCT’s pledge of £2,000 was match funded via the Big Give, resulting in £4000 being awarded to MSP for this much needed resource.

Songa Mbele, Kenya

Songa Mbele Masomo Children Centre

Songa Mbele Masomo Children Centre

Songa Mbele Masomo Children Centre is a community centre in the Republic of Kenya. The Centre is non-profit making and supports children living with disabilities and vulnerable children in the Mukuru slums, in Nairobi City. CHCT’s £765 purchased food and £360 bought medication for children with disabilities who are being supported by the centre.

F.I.D.R.A. Uganda Tuberculosis Screening

CHCT funded FIDRA in 2019 and agreed to make a further donation of £1,755.00 in 2020. This was to extend TB screening and treatment in the northern remote rural communities of Uganda which had been delayed due to the restrictions and impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

The programme screened 692 people and tested and treated 85 of them for TB.  Twenty-five community TB educators and ambassadors were trained to follow up on TB clients within their rural communities. Find out more about the FIDRA programme here.


CHCT granted LEPRA £2,100.00 to provide reconstructive surgery, physiotherapy, and post-operative support for 6 people (£350 each) suffering from the disabilities caused by leprosy.  The recipients were marginalised rural people who have been given new opportunities and better life conditions.  LEPRA is a trusted charity who CHCT has worked with previously. Follow these links to read their September 2021 and November/December 2021 updates.

A surprise gift!

This year, we were surprised and delighted to receive a donation of $100 (US), in lieu of a wedding gift.

A surprise gift!

We’d be honoured to share your special occasions with you!

Please let your friends and family know that you support CHCT so they can consider donating in your name.

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